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Social Security Disability Expose in the Washington Post

July 26, 2023

The dismal performance of the Social Security Administration in processing and paying Social Security Disability and SSI claims continues to generate interest in the national media. Lisa Rein, a reporter for the Washington Post, has done a great series of articles about the SSA and has shed light on a system in chaos. She writes that sixty percent of cases that get appealed to the Federal District Court are remanded back to the Social Security Administration. If you haven’t done so, we highly recommend you read her May 25, 2023 article, “ Judges rebuke Social Security for errors as disability denials stack up.” You can find her earlier work as well. It is worth the time to read them.

Medical professionals struggle to understand administrative law. It is an arcane system that bears little resemblance to most people’s understanding of how judicial systems work. The judges in administrative law proceedings are different than the judges in state and federal courts. Social Security judges exist in a netherworld between being an attorney and being a judge. The best analogy I can make is they are like warrant officers in the military. Commissioned officers in the military must have a college degree. Warrant officers are specialists in their fields, but do not have to have a college degree. They are outranked by all commissioned officers. An administrative law judge (ALJ) is an attorney who is hired by the government to perform specific tasks. In the case of the Social Security Administration, ALJs were to review the medical evidence and the evaluation the agency had made in denying a disability or SSI claim.

The disability system worked very well for claimants until late in the 2010s. Then a scandal occurred. A crooked Administrative Law Judge named David B. Daugherty, a crooked lawyer appropriately named “Conn,” and a group of doctors conspired together to rip off the system. From 2004 until 2016, thousands of falsified claims were submitted with falsified medical documents that resulted in about $550 million in false claims being paid.

This scandal involved one of about 1,700 Social Security Administrative Law Judges. The government overreacted in response to this crime. The Social Security regulations were changed. Now ALJs in the Social Security scheme are not just to make certain legal decisions, they are now to read the medical records alone – virtually ignoring opinion evidence from physicians – and decide if the records justified the disability decision. Now judges consistently play doctor. They are woefully unprepared to do this.  If you have been practicing medicine for any length of time you have seen patently disabled people denied their Social Security Disability benefits.

The biggest problem is that these ALJs who have no medical training at all, are looking for “objective medical evidence” to support a claim. Think of all the diagnoses that are based on trained evaluation of subjective complaints. That is pretty much all of psychiatry and certainly a substantial portion of physical illnesses. We are awaiting the day of the “pain-o-meter.” There are judges who seldom pay mental health cases.

Ms. Reins reports that fifty percent of cases are paid at the hearing level. I’m glad to tell you that we do substantially better than that. In the past year we have been averaging about 80% at this level. We have done that by consistently preparing for the hearing. We help our clients at each step of the process. There are important forms up front that the Social Security Administration weaponizes and uses to deny applicants. The ALJs are looking for the slightest inconsistency between what someone wrote on a form in the early days of a claim and what they testify to in a hearing. We never lie, cheat, or exaggerate on any form. But we do try to keep people from messing up. Many of our clients can’t read or write very well at all. They answer questions about activities not based on their current capability but based on what they did in the past. We also order and submit the medical records. People do not understand that they must prove their case to Social Security.

January 6, 2025
Justice Finally Prevails, After a Trip through The Looking Glass! In November of 2014 we filed a disability application for a 45-year-old disabled male veteran with 100% rating from the Veterans Administration. We told him he would not be automatically approved because he was receiving Veterans disability.
September 22, 2023
It is rather common for a client to come in with a letter from their health care provider. Frequently these people have filed their own applications for Social Security benefits and submitted this letter with their application. They are bewildered and crestfallen when they are turned down by the Social Security Administration. If they haven’t […] The post Doctor’s Letters appeared first on Dempsey, Dempsey & Hilts P.C..
March 6, 2023
We Got an Award! Dempsey, Dempsey and Hilts received an award from the group, Social Security Disability Leadership. We were recognized as one of the top 500 firms in the nation. In fact, according to the Social Security Administration, we are 305th in the nation for 2022 in number of Social Security Disability and SSI […] The post Disability Newsletter – Winter 2023 appeared first on Dempsey, Dempsey & Hilts P.C..
August 30, 2022
Social Security Hearings – Still on the Phone!  We are continuing to have Social Security Disability and SSI hearings on the speakerphone. Terrell and Vicki Dempsey attended the National Organization of Social Security Claimant Representatives conference in Austin, Texas in May. Dr. Kilolo Kijakazi, the Acting Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, told the conference […] The post Disability Newsletter – Summer 2022 appeared first on Dempsey, Dempsey & Hilts P.C..
January 10, 2022
Good News on the Appellate Front – A significant change has occurred with a new administration. We are seeing a significant number of the U.S. Attorneys agreeing to remand cases we appeal to the U.S. Federal District Court!  The post Disability Newsletter – Winter 2022 appeared first on Dempsey, Dempsey & Hilts P.C..
August 23, 2021
The Social Security Administration is continuing to conduct our Social Security Disability and SSI hearings by phone. The administration has been offering to have online hearings through Microsoft Teams, however, the vast majority of our clients do not have sufficient access to computers or high-speed internet to use this option…  The post Disability Newsletter – Summer 2021 appeared first on Dempsey, Dempsey & Hilts P.C..
January 8, 2021
We are proud to announce that Courtney Hilts, Esquire is now a partner as you can see from the name at the top of this letter. Mrs. Hilts, formally Shelley, grew up in rural Colchester, Illinois. She is a 2007 graduate of West Prairie High School. She graduated from the University of Illinois, Springfield in May […] The post Disability Newsletter – Winter 2021 appeared first on Dempsey, Dempsey & Hilts P.C..
July 27, 2020
Covid! Covid! Covid! Just like everyone else in the United States, the Social Security Administration and our office is struggling to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. The Social Security Administration sent everyone home. We kept our offices open with facemask/social distancing requirements. Thankfully, none of us have been infected by the virus. Like most of our friends […] The post Disability Newsletter – Summer 2020 appeared first on Dempsey, Dempsey & Hilts P.C..
May 20, 2020
The following is an update from the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys: As a majority continue to follow stay at home orders due to the COVID-19 crisis, NACBA’s Legislative Committee with support from NACBA’s Board of Directors have been working nonstop with House and Senate staff to ensure significant bankruptcy provisions were included in […] The post What the HEROES Act Could Mean for Bankruptcy appeared first on Dempsey, Dempsey & Hilts P.C..
April 30, 2020
Written by Nancy Altman: The CARES Act was intended to provide emergency payments as quickly as possible. Yet over a month after the bill became law, those emergency payments are not yet all out the door. Even for those who’ve received them, $1200 emergency payments for eligible adults and $500 emergency payments for each eligible dependent child […] The post Let’s Make Sure The COVID-19 Response Doesn’t Threaten Social Security appeared first on Dempsey, Dempsey & Hilts P.C..
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