Quincy Illinois Office (217) 222-2432
Hannibal Missouri Office (573) 221-2150
The President has signed the Haven Act into law but what does that mean for you? If you are a Veteran who is receiving VA Disability this money will no longer be used to determine your ability to repay your creditors.
In order to determine if you can file for bankruptcy and which bankruptcy is right for you an average income must be determined. Before the signing of the Haven Act this income included VA disability. With the signing of the Haven Act, if part of your income is from VA disability (social security disability was already excluded) that portion of income will not be used in determining which bankruptcy is right for you.
Feel free to contact our office and one of our bankruptcy attorneys will sit down with you to determine your options.
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Office: Quincy Illinois Office
Phone: (217) 222-2432
Address: 236 North 6th, P.O. Box 331
Quincy, Illinois 62306